Your Masterpiece Portrait is a Statement about

YOU without saying a word

Let's Create An Amazing Art Piece !!!

Contact us today to schedule your complimentary portrait consultation.


Children and Babies

We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. – Stacia Tauscher


“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” –Desmond Tutu

High School Seniors

Today is a perfect day to start living your dreams.


Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.

Masterpiece Painted Portraits

“A photograph shouldn’t be just a picture, it should be a philosophy.”― Amit Kalantri

“The Whitaker’s are not only amazing people, but outstanding photographers.  They have photographed and created portraiture for our family for years.  Their photography is not the normal run of the mill picture or photo session.  The quality is truly high definition, fabulously made and mastered art pieces.”  Shannon S.  MBA, BSCH

“Children grow-up so fast….as a first-time Mom I desperately wanted to capture every precious moment  and discovery with our son Stephen.  Enter Whitaker Portrait Design……they truly have a unique gift of capturing your child’s personality and spirit.  In fact, I surprised my husband for our wedding anniversary with some Mother and son portraits……Steve was completely floored and speechless when he saw our portraits and the wonderment of Stephen at nine months….since then the Whitaker’s have become a part of our family tradition….every Christmas we make a point to schedule for our family portrait and make it a timeless piece of art.  Their work is always a real conversation piece in our home….thanks to the Whitakers for helping us to remember the beauty of life and how God has blessed us!”  Elissa C.

Investment Information

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” Warren Buffett

This Is Us

The artists behind the camera

            Kevin and Carolyn Whitaker

Kevin and Carolyn Whitaker



Think about the most treasured portrait photograph in your home. If you’re like most people, I bet you look at it and feel a wave of emotions about the person in the photograph and the time it was taken.

No one needs to tell you that photograph is far more than a simple record of how your child or family member looks. Instead, it’s a piece of art that you’ll cherish for the rest of your life. Most likely, it has pride of place on the wall, and will remain there until it’s passed down to your children.

For us, personally, our most prized possessions are the portraits we have of our beautiful daughters, taken when they were mere toddlers. On our walls, we have many portraits of them as babies all the way up until now as grown adults with families of their own.

I’m sure you’ll agree this is an incredible blessing.

A Long History

If you are like me, you want a worry-free, hassle-free experience.   You want to trust your most precious memories to a studio that has a long history – we’ve been creating beautiful portraits for over 25 years.  In fact, most clients are surprised at how many beautiful portraits that they have to choose from.   We’re here to help you achieve your goals and help you look your best.

Our Specialty

You love your children – we love children too!  Whether you’re looking for a family portrait, portrait of your child, or a portrait of a graduating senior, we’re here to help you.  Our specialty is you and creating beautiful art for you.

Our Clients – Our Friends

Our portrait artistry  business is much more than a job.  It’s a lifestyle.  God has given us an incredible talent and gift to share with you.  Many of our clients become friends and it’s because we truly care about people.  We have been blessed to see many of them again and again year after year.  Call us at 405.751.0004 to start your portrait journey.